28 Apr How To Find The Nearest U3A Group?
Third Age Universities are popping up everywhere around the world. It is gaining recognition and momentum as societies, communities, and governments begin to understand the many advantages that these U3A universities bring.
The idea is being embraced around the world and people are trying out different models to ensure that they come up with a solution that is best suited to the needs of their specific community.
What Are U3As?
University of the Third Age, abbreviated as U3A, is an effort by communities around the globe to cater to the educational needs of those individuals who have entered the third age in their lives.
By third age, it is meant that they are through the phase of their life where they had to bear active parental and financial responsibilities.
Such individuals still have a lot to contribute to the community in general because of their tremendous experience in various fields and also because of their interest in other fields.
U3As are designed to cater to the needs of these elderly citizens to ensure that they maintain their relevance in the long run and are able to contribute actively to the society in whichever way they deem fit.
Education Model At U3As

The courses are taught in different modes and methods.
The courses are taught in different modes and methods. These establishments differ from traditional universities in that there are no formally organized syllabi or coursework as such.
The focus instead is to allow an environment of discussion and informal learning which is not too stressful for the elderly.
They get to study whatever they choose to. Whether it is entrepreneurship, science or arts, there is no stopping, rather it is encouraged that people who become U3A members to go full on for those subjects which attract their keen interest.
There is no point in studying something that you do not have an interest in.
Finding Nearby U3As

Finding nearby U3As is not tough.
As mentioned before, U3As are very different from traditional education institutes and hence are more flexible in their outlines and learning models. However, considering the age of the individuals involved it is understandable to look for nearby U3As.
Since it is a global movement, these establishments are growing at a fast pace and many countries are introducing these U3As as a means of engaging with its older citizens and providing them with new opportunities.
Finding nearby U3As is not tough; a simple search on the internet will enable you to easily identify them with one click.
Since the major learning philosophy behind U3As is ‘shared learning’ it becomes imperative for individuals to join these groups in order to make the most of it.
It is believed that U3As will increase tremendously in the future primarily because of its effectiveness in improving the lives of those who have retired from their responsibilities in general.